Why Thought Leadership Matters

As a cybersecurity marketing agency, we’re no stranger to a good report. Sourcing, interpreting, and communicating cybersecurity statistics is a significant part of what we do, and we do it well. However, B2B marketing reports – specifically those regarding thought leadership – are somewhat more challenging to come by.

Although we have reams of anecdotal evidence testifying to the value of quality thought leadership – check out our client testimonials – it’s always encouraging when cold, hard statistics confirm that evidence and offer insights to help us improve. Edelman and LinkedIn’s 2024 B2B Thought Leadership Impact Report does just that.

Influences Key Opinions

Before continuing, it’s worth confirming that thought leadership content reaches the right people. If not, then why bother? Fortunately, it does: according to the report, 52% of decision-makers and 54% of C-level executives spend an hour or more a week reading thought leadership content.

Thought leadership doesn’t just reach those people; it makes an impression on them. 70% of decision-makers say they are very likely to think more positively about organizations that consistently produce high-quality thought leadership. Similarly, 73% of decision-makers say that an organization’s thought leadership content is a more trustworthy basis for assessing its capabilities and competencies than its marketing materials and product sheets.

And thought leadership doesn’t only benefit marketers: 60% of decision-makers said that a piece of thought leadership had made them realize their organization was missing out on a significant business opportunity, while 29% said they realized their organization was more vulnerable to a potential threat than previously thought.

Turns Heads

The cybersecurity marketplace is more saturated – and more competitive – than ever. The slightest competitive edge can be the deciding factor in meeting sales targets, turning a profit, or even staying in business. Thought leadership can provide that competitive edge, drawing decision-makers away from your competitors and towards your services. Here’s how:

  • 70% of C-level executives said that a piece of thought leadership had at least occasionally led them to question whether they should continue working with an existing supplier
  • 51% said the piece of thought leadership got them to realize that other suppliers were smarter or more visionary
  • 54% said the piece of thought leadership made them realize there were other suppliers they could work with who better understood their organization’s challenges.

Prompts Action

So far, we’ve merely established that thought leadership alerts decision-makers and C-level executives to your services, establishes you as a trustworthy entity, and turns heads away from your competitors. But how does that translate into action?

54% of decision-makers and C-level executives say that a piece of thought leadership has led them to research a product or service they were not previously considering. 54% say that an organization that consistently produces high-quality thought-leadership content has prompted them to research the organization’s offers or capabilities.

But that’s not all. Of the decision makers who said thought leadership led them to research a product or service they hadn’t been considering:

  • 23% said they began buying from or working with that organization
  • 60% said good thought leadership makes them willing to pay a premium to work with that organization.

When it comes to getting one over on your competitors, thought leadership clearly plays a significant role. Among decision-makers who said a piece of thought leadership had made them question whether they should continue working with an existing supplier, 25% said it had led them to end or significantly reduce their relationship with a current supplier/provider.

What Makes Quality Thought Leadership?

So, we’ve established that thought leadership can be enormously valuable for both B2B marketers and their customers. But what does effective thought leadership look like? And what are decision-makers looking for?

Let’s start by identifying what decision-makers see as the highest quality thought leadership characteristics. Of those surveyed:

  • 55% said quality thought leadership references strong research and data.
  • 44% said it helps them better understand their business’s challenges and opportunities.
  • 43% said it offers concrete guidance and case studies.

Similarly, 62% of decision-makers considered content produced by a prominent, well-respected expert a characteristic as average or above average. 66% said the same for content with a unique format or style.

It’s also clear that decision-makers believe that their company struggles to create effective thought leadership themselves:

  • 50% of decision-makers said that thought leadership is under-resourced.
  • 27% said that they fail to engage the most senior and talented people.
  • 26% said their organization lacks the skills to produce high-quality content.

Similarly, 30% of thought leadership producers say their organization does not know how to use thought leadership as a sales or marketing tool.

These statistics suggest that although effective thought leadership can be a transformative force for B2B businesses, those companies aren’t always able to produce the content themselves. If you think this statement might apply to you, schedule a discovery call with Bora today to learn how we can supercharge your thought leadership efforts and generate real results.

Why Thought Leadership Matters
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