Cybersecurity Marketing in 2023: 12 Industry Experts Look Ahead

We often hear how the cybersecurity profession is extremely broad, however, most people think that it all centers around catching malicious actors, and protecting networks. There is a business side to cybersecurity as well. Your company may make the latest, greatest tool, but without good marketing, it can languish in obscurity. The business of cybersecurity marketing can mean the difference between an organization’s success, or failure.

We asked a group of cybersecurity marketing professionals about some of the key challenges they may face over the next 12 months,  how they plan to approach them, as well as gaining insight around what areas they plan on prioritizing in 2023.

Download your copy of the eBook, today!

Kirsten Doyle

Understanding the Cybersecurity Skills Gap: Expert Insights Part 2

The cybersecurity skills gap is a critical challenge in the industry today, with ongoing debates about its causes, urgency, and solutions. This gap encompasses proficiency disparities and challenges in diversity, inclusivity, and accessibility, all exacerbated by a rapidly evolving threat landscape where adversaries continuously adapt their strategies. To illuminate this complex issue, we interviewed 12

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Kirsten Doyle

Understanding the Cybersecurity Skills Gap: Expert Insights Part 1

The cybersecurity skills gap is a critical challenge in the industry today, with ongoing debates about its causes, urgency, and solutions. This gap encompasses proficiency disparities and challenges in diversity, inclusivity, and accessibility, all exacerbated by a rapidly evolving threat landscape where adversaries continuously adapt their strategies. To illuminate this complex issue, we interviewed 12

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Kirsten Doyle

Avoiding Thin Content in Your SEO Strategy

In the digital world, where every click counts and every keyword matters, content is the undisputed king. However, not all content wears the crown equally. Some pieces are interesting, informative, and engaging, while others are thin, insubstantial, and barely scratch the surface. Thin content is a menace to any company’s SEO strategy. It can mess

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